Friday, October 29, 2010

Some people do "Wordless Wednesdays" This is a nice concept I suppose, but I think I'm going to try "Random Fridays":

~Did it bother anyone else that in my last post I used the word "due" instead of "do"? After I published the note, I saw that and almost edited the note just to fix one word...

~EVERY time my nails grow to the length I want them I get really excited... And then I bite them off. (Gross)

~I was about to discipline my son today for not listening, then he quickly closed his eyes and started to snore. Does he really think he will get out of trouble by making me think he's sleeping? Well... It worked I was laughing too hard to talk serious. I have a hard time finding my "mommy voice" sometimes.

~I would love to home-school my children through 5th grade.

~A few months ago I cut dairy out of my diet. We saved just over $30 a month b/c I wasn't eating cheese.

~I really want to adopt. Now.


  1. Yes, Jess, it drove me nuts...

  2. It bothered me too... :-D
    You could homeschool. Its tons of fun. We decided to go one year at a time, and here we are... 7 years later and still going!
