Monday, November 1, 2010

The last few days have been a whirlwind of costumes and candy! The tower for Princess Adaya was never made, but she did get a tiara and a wand. Arend the Dragon had many fits because of getting in and out of the car, sugar highs, the inevitable sugar lows, and the biggest fit of all... He didn't get to wear the tiara. This really upset him, so I made him some fire to hold on to. He felt much better after that. (It's amazing what a little card stock can do!) Instead of going to a neighborhood and knocking on strangers' doors, we decided to visit different people. This brought a lot of socializing and not much candy, both of which made me happy... I LOVE to socialize and since we had no trick-or-treaters (for some reason people don't want their kids getting candy from the dark house on the five lane road...) we didn't need anymore candy!

Now if someone can instruct me on how to upload pictures, I will post some of my adorable children! =)

1 comment:

  1. Ok, quick photo posting tutorial:
    When you are on your new post page, above that area (where you type) is a button bar. It has buttons for fonts, bold, italic, underline, etc., On the right of the Link button is a small picture. Click on that icon. You should get a Add images window. Click on the Choose files button, and you are allowed to upload multiple files at once. You can upload from your desktop, or from your iphoto on your computer. (We have an iMac, so I don't know the difference if you have a PC). After you choose your picture, click the Add selected button. Your photo should appear on your blog post after that. I've discovered that wherever your cursor was, that is where your photo will appear. You can adjust the size under the photo with the button bar underneath, as well as add captions. You can sometimes drag the photo around in your blog post too, it doesn't always work for me. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions!
