Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The kids and I just spent several hours in the basement due to weather paranoia. All in all we did good. I brought the portable dvd player and food... Arend brought down some hangers... (I guess that was his hint for me to work on laundry.) We had a picnic on the futon and watched some of "Cars". My plan was to get a lot done... Laundry, make a halloween costume for Adaya, clean up all of the cat puke in the basement... I have a tiara made for Day, and scrapped dry puke off the floor. As far as laundry goes two loads have been washed/ dried, zero loads folded. Does anyone else do that? I don't mind washing the clothes, it's the putting away part that I can't stand. I've been this way for as long as I can remember. Maybe it's time to (insert scary music here) purge some clothes. (Yikes!!) I would love to be naturally motivated but it doesn't happen. I've been researching cloth diapers b/c I want to switch, but that won't happen b/c I don't due laundry. I've tried the one load a day method. Unfortunatly I forget about the load in the washer until a few days later then it's in need of being washed again to get the smell out. I've tried the marathon wash day, however the clothes find themselves crumpled in piles on the table down stairs, needing to be re-dried or ironed. There is one method that seems to work: Laundromat. I get everything washed and dried at the same time, and then fold/sort it all before I leave. I've tried to "park" myself in the basement and "pretend" it's just like the laundromat. I've set the timer so that I dedicate a few minutes after each load to fold it all... Sometimes I bring it upstairs and fold while the tv is on but without fail Arend comes around to help... (as I'm typing this the dryer is beeping at me and I'm pretending to not hear it) After a while I give up hope and find something to distract me (it's really not hard). Who needs clean, wrinkle free clothes anyway? Scrape off the chunks, spray some fabreeze and you are good to go!
Lets move on to more interesting topics. Like halloween costumes. Arend has a dragon costume already so all I need to do is paint flames on his face (his face pops out of the dragons mouth and I want him to look like a fire-breathing dragon) and to go along with his costume Adaya will be a princess. I've got a shirt and tutu, so I made a pipe-cleaner tiara and matching wand. The next big step is transforming her carseat into a tower without using a glue gun or sewing anything to the seat. All this needs to be done in a way that maintains the safety of the seat as well as the travel/carry ease. Did I mention we have a halloween party tonight? Maybe the dragon will be keeping the princess locked in the stroller instead of a tower... Or maybe the princess will have a sword instead of a wand causing the belief that she has freed herself from the dragon. (Girl power, anyone?) We will just have to wait and see what gets done. Then someday I will figure out how to post pictures and show you how it all turns out.
Time to go switch loads...


  1. I know! I hate doing laundry! I am more of the "once a week marathon" girl..i tried the one load a day thing but had the same problem...just gotta suck it up and do it i guess...maybe with time we will learn to love it?????

  2. I do the once a week marathon day for laundry. I like to get it done so I don't have to think about it the rest of the week. It may be easier to do this since my laundry area is in the middle of my house! I don't even set the timer on the washer or dryer because I hear it when its done! I enjoyed your blog and getting to know you better! Posting pics is not too hard...Let me know if you need help!

  3. Blech....laundry. So much easier without the "help" of the little ones.

    We used to be able to spread it all on the living room floor, and then pop a movie or TV show in the DVD player, and go to town.

    But Eli apparently has this thing against piles of laundry. He'll wait until the piles are stacked neatly to about half his height, then knock them over.

    So now, it's washed, dried, and then stays in the laundry basket until we need it.

    You know, I didn't even catch the connection between AJ's and Day's costume....that's awesome!

    Maybe it had something to do with the fact that the dragon was more interested in bobbing for apples and playing with Pirate Cousin's sword than guarding the princess in his keep...Good hanging out with y'all last night!

