Thursday, September 23, 2010

Brad got his lay-off notice last week. Tomorrow is his last day. I'm picking up more hours, but truth be told, I want to stay home full time with the kiddos. Arend is so eager to learn and I love playing with him. No matter how mad you are, there he is ready to goof off and make you smile! Adaya is growing so quickly! She giggles and smiles all the time. She loves watching her big brother. I'm even to the point in my life where (big drum roll please...) I don't always mind cleaning... We aren't talking deep clean on your knees sort of a thing, but I'm getting to the point where I enjoy seeing the difference I can make in my home. I feel like it's not fair that I'm finally figuring out this house wife thing (after only 4 1/2 years) and now I have to work more. However, I am looking forward to watching my children flourish under the care of their daddy. Plus this will finally give Brad time to work on some projects he's been excited about. ::Quick Note- Brad and a friend do custom art work on discs, so if you know someone who loves disc golf, let us know!!:: I need to view this as another adventure God is leading us on and I need to be excited about how He will show Himself to us through it.
Yesterday at Community Bible Study the lead speaker told us about a missionary to China. As this missionary was coming home, a pastor of one of the underground churches said he would pray for the Church Body in America. The missionary was confused, b/c we have freedom of religion, so why would we need the prayer? The pastor's response was something like this "I will pray for persecution in America so that you will grow closer to God." In no way are we facing true persecution, but I need to remember that it's hardships like this that bring us closer to God. He is slowly refining us and melting us down so there is nothing left of us, just Him. God will meet our basic needs and provide us comfort as we let go of our wants. Now it's up to me to cling more fully to Him.
I guess this won't be so bad after all...


  1. Blech...again!?!?

    Not fair! Even if you had an idea this might come, it's still not cool.

    We will be praying for y'all, and know that we love you bunches and we are here for you!


  2. You have a blog! Im lovin this! Not loving brad getting laid off so sorry jess. i will be praying for you guys! call me if you need anything!
