Arend (2 yrs, 3 months) is becoming helpful around the house, not just trying to be helpful, but actually helping! He does pretty good at setting the table and picks up his toys like a champ. The other day I went to get him up from nap time and he had cleaned his room! ...He took EVERYTHING off the floor and stuffed it into his dresser drawer. (Ok, so that wasn't truly helpful b/c he put his dirty clothes in with all his clean stuff, but it still made my heart swell!) He is also being more articulate and working at using words instead of grunts, screams, and yelling.
Adaya (7 months) is sitting up fairly well on her own. She still hates tummy time but has been working on reaching for what she wants. (No crawling yet, which is fine with me!) She also has what appears to be a tooth wanting to pop. (Read: she gets crabby for no reason and drools ALL over) My favorite is how her laugh is starting to change. She has such a cute giggle and is more and more willing to give it out. She thinks her brother is hilarious and he loves making her laugh.
We have some great family moments on the living room floor watching Arend goof-off and Adaya go crazy because of it. It is such a blessing watching them together. She adores him and he is so gentle and loving toward her. These precious times help me reflect on God's love and peace. Some days watching my children strengthens my faith and passion for God more than any sermon could- and I have heard some GREAT sermons! =)
I need to leave for work now... Hopefully I will make time to update sooner than next month!